The Brightside Team
Come and learn who's who at our school...
Julie Cartier
The GS through to 6eme French teacher.
In her own time, she enjoys drawing and reading.
Originally from Angers.
Education: Diplôme d'enseignant CRPE depuis 2011/ Master en Education.

Hannah Howarth
English Teacher for Primaire
The CP through to 6eme English teacher.
In her own time she enjoys hiking, cycling, travelling and playing music.
Originally from Brighton, England.
Education: Masters in Environmental Science, University of Geneva and a CELTA Teaching Qualification.
Mari Evens
English Teacher
The MS & GS teacher.
In her own time she enjoys being with her family, riding bikes, climbing and skiing.
Originally from Criccieth, Wales.
Education: Primary Education with QTS (Qualified Teacher Status) University of Wales, Trinity Saint David.

Lisa Fitzgerald
English Teacher
Our PS, CE1 & CE2 English Teacher.
In her own time Lisa enjoys being with her family, skiing and spending time at the lake.
Originally from Kerry, Ireland.
Education: PHD in English, National University of Ireland, Galway.
Charlotte Lewis
English Maternelle Teacher
Our TPS English teacher.
In her own time she enjoys a spa day, riding horses, baking, reading and going to the cinema.
Originally from London.
Education: A degree in Osteopath, British School of Osteopathy.
A degree in Anatomical Science, University of Bristol.

Barbara Hill
English Teacher
The CM1, CM2 and 6eme English teacher.
In her own time, Barbara enjoys exploring the region with her family by walking, cycling, swimming and skiing.
Originally from Chester, North West of England.
Education: Bachelor of Education in Primary Teaching at Manchester Metropolitan University.
Laurent Loyer
French & Judo Teacher
The French CM1, CM2 and 6eme teacher.
Teaches Judo to our students every Thursday afternoon.
In his own time, Laurent enjoys cooking.
Originally from Paris.
Education: DEJEPS

Teacher's Assistant
Our TPS teacher assistant.
In her own time she enjoys playing football with her children, cycling and travelling.
Originally from Morocco.
Teacher's Assistant
Our PS teacher assistant.
In her own time she enjoys swimming and working weddings, especially the organising and decoration of the venues.
Moroccan origin but born in France, Thonon-Les Bains.